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ikr, i so want to see more of the Khalgor... and all the other orcs.. I was also hoping for stuff to happen at the village when you were jerking off in your tent, lol..

Lol for some reason i was imagening you shooting lasers out of your nipples xD

yeah thats exactly as i meant, Orcs and that man topping me is always great. plus i bet eventually with the right fame we can get "caught" by someone be it Groth Orgram or Rhogak (i need to work on spelling his name) and they have there way.

welp you just created a new canon skill for me to imagine, thank you for the idea of killing Khalagor and Scar's bosses with a special skill called laser nips. 


I think so too with the higher bitch fame..

Also no laser but both  have a light source
