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It's great seeing this absolute gem on Itch, so it'll be more accessible for a lot of the gay crowd here.

For those of you who don't know it, Strange Flesh is a supremely polished and soulful game released back in 2017. An absolute gem among gay games that achieved a level of quality and craftsmanship that, to this day, is basically unheard of.

In case you want to take a quick look, I'm attaching below a review by chapomon and the start of a LP from Crippled Critic, along with some of the songs from the soudntrack to give you a taste of things.

(As a little side comment, to this day very few gay games go as far as having a proper, completely original soundtrack. Some do but it's definitely the exception. And here we have Strange Flesh which, never skimping on the polish and production values, hit a homerun right upon release.)

So... Yes, play this game. It's absolutely worth your time.


Thanks so much for the kind words and prodding me to get the game on itch. The community here seems fantastic.


So….when do we get the next in the series? 😈

If you want more, here are two other bangers: