Hi 0x72. This tileset has so much potential that I already created two game prototypes out of it and still missing a lot of elements.
Control Their Reality Ltd just used the basics but I already had some fun with it: https://kosinaz.itch.io/ctrl
And into Orphebot I wanted to put as much content as possible, so the UI is a little more barebones, and still couldn't add all the bots and objects. I couldn't figure out a good use for the beams, buttons, and displays that would still fit into my base concept, and I also had to slightly modify the height of the bots, but here we are. I hope you'll like it: https://kosinaz.itch.io/orphebot
I think I'll come back to this tileset in the future, and create a game that will really use eeeeverything from it. :D