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You mean like picking Physical games from the big honking drop-down at the top of the Browse page?


None of these are "Physical Games". I agree that on the home page it's on the left, but it would be nice if it were under the browse tab as well. 

Platform : Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS, Web

Price : Free, On Sale, Paid, $5 or less, $15 or less

When : Last Day, Last 7 days, Last 30 days

Genre : Action, Adventure, Card Game, Educational, Fighting, Interactive Fiction, Platformer, Puzzle, Racing, Rhythm, Role Playing, Shooter, Simulation, Sports, Strategy, Survival, Visual Novel, Other

Input methods : Keyboard, Mouse, Xbox controller, Gamepad (any), Joystick, Touchscreen, Voice control, Oculus Rift, Leap Motion, Wiimote, Kinect, NeuroSky Mindwave, Accelerometer, OSVR (Open-Source Virtual Reality), Smartphone, Dance pad, HTC Vive, Google Daydream VR, Google Cardboard VR, Playstation controller, MIDI controller, Joy-Con, Magic Leap, Oculus Quest, Oculus Go, Windows Mixed Reality, Valve Index

Average session length : A few seconds, A few minutes, About a half-hour, About an hour, A few hours, Days or more

Multiplayer features : Local multiplayer, Server-based networked multiplayer, Ad-hoc networked multiplayer

Accessibility features : Color-blind friendly, Subtitles, Configurable controls, High-contrast, Interactive tutorial, One button, Blind friendly, Textless

Type : HTML5, Downloadable, Flash

Misc : With Steam keys, In game jams, Not in game jams, With demos, Featured