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The scene matches the music really well, and I really dig that memory scene. No idea how you'd do something like that XD

On a side note, regarding the cutscene: after the dad leaves, and Hamona tells Spark that she misses her dad, is it meant to just stop at a black screen? I tried playing the cutscene twice and it always seems to just hang at that point.


Hi there!

Thanks for playing!!! :D

Yeah, when comes the black screen at the end, it is supposed to end. Guess would be nice if I put something there that tells that the scene is over...

The memory scene was tough! But I stuck that into my head and wasn't able to think of any other thing xD

  • But the main thing I did is created extras parallax for the map, and use different events for each scene.
  • I used anime.js (which is inside one of my plugins) to animate them(fade in-out)

Oooh. Cool. Now that you explained it, I can see how you went about making the memory scene. Still though, you made it look easy, and so seamless that it seemed like magic! Great stuff XD


It was a pain in the ass at first hahahahah, but I'm glad I manage to make it happen. Testing that scenes and make sure everything was in place was even harder hahaha xD