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Hi Ribbon!, thank you for sharing your wonderful charming game with us. I loved the thumbnail, super cute and sets expectations pretty well for the mood. I had some issues getting the game to start regarding the 'Press Start' I was pushing lots of buttons and even plugged in a controller to press an actual start button, None seemed to work so I refreshed the browser window and tried pressing all the buttons again. It worked but I don't know what I pressed. Might be worth stating what the start button is in the description?

I enjoyed the music and ambience, very cute and fitting. I picked up the mechanics very quickly and was straight on to the challenge, I enjoyed the challenge of landing on the moving platforms but found in some cases when I would grab a square in the air, the next platform would spawn in a different direction making it almost impossible to progress any higher.

I spent some good time on this and realised there was no way to see if I was getting better, A high score based on the number of platforms you have climbed would be a simple and nice addition!

Great game. Loved it!