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Hi my friends,ave you ever wondered why I haven't played in a long time? Here's the answer.....

i keep seeing the itch io, but they won't let me play i don't know why, my parents don't like me to play "multiplayer", i know, it's silly, and i can't even make them say why, it's very painful afterwards to work hard for the intrepid armor, there are nights that I dream of narrow one, but then I wake up, and I realize that it was just a dream, I hope that one day I can convince them and be able to play narrow one again, until then, my friends.

Ps sometimes I play close one in secret, but never enough to send a code here, meanwhile, MY SKILL IS LOST!, it's horrible, before I could kill everyone with great ease, now, even a noob can beat me: (

Wish you luck

(1 edit) (+2)

My parents don't even know I play narrow one

mine too, but good luck, hope this phase ends soon

Same dude

Can you play with me (the worst player in the history of mankind) tomorrow Philippine time 1.00 pm



Good luck my friend

I hope you get to play again.

Yes my friend, I feel your feelings I feel the same now But try, for example, to do something useful, such as studying, helping your parents, or something else Then just take a little time to play It means that you will work to play again And good luck my friend


Thank you all very much, I wish you the best of luck in everything you do. Mh Al, I really appreciate the advice you have given me, I will put it to the test today, I hope my parents understand that there is nothing wrong with playing multiplayer, until then my dear friends👋