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I went in expecting not really anything special and instead got something really interesting. I liked the creepy atmosphere, the fact that the items are fairly easy (for the most part) to find. It took me a minute to get used to the controls but they worked well. The parts in the forest were incredibly tense and overall I just enjoyed the heck out of this one.

If I had a couple of suggestions for future games, mainly personal preferences: Please don't quick the game when you hit Escape, because that often forces the player to go back in and replay the entire game, which might be a pain if it's a longer game. The second one, please don't have scan lines for the sake of scan lines. It doesn't really fit the story and it takes away from a nice, simple world you had built up, and it was a little distracting.

Still, great work! I had a blast playing this and I hope you keep on making stuff. You seem to hit the right notes for the most part.