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(1 edit) (+1)

Actually, I hate the menu buttons and ALL the particle effects. The bonbon particle effect makes no sense and I am sorry for the person who did them because they probably never had a bonbon in their life. I wish them a better future. (Actually I don't if they are playing with mean strats though, then they might as well never get any diabetes inducing food wrapped in colourful plastic.) I'm mainly bothered by one of the devs constantly winning and choosing the meanest abilities possible to boost their gamer boi ego. Maybe they even have some top sekrit dev cheat button - actually that's the only way I could see myself being beaten that often since usually I am just really an e p i c c gamer. 
Uhm, overall: It's a great game, but I am very tilted. Just if you ever play, choose your co-op partner wisely. Not like me.
(Please don't take this review too seriously, you guys did great including the mean dev. <3)