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Pardon my language, but what the fuck is up with the enemy spawn rates in this game? It feels like a dozen enemies spawn per second in areas that I just fought my way through.

It's especially bad with those guys who can shoot lasers at me from across the map. I go to clear out a cluster of those, and just then like four or five more spawn on a platform I just dropped down from.

Am I doing something wrong, because all I can do when things get this crazy is run.

(1 edit) (+1)

There are areas with "infinite hordes" (when you enter the area you get that text that comes into view with red border announcing infinite hordes). Basically you kill one and another pops up. They are meant to be challenging to get through, but usually have a perk you can unlock.

EDIT: I mention this because I literally stayed in an area for 30 minutes fighting my way through before I realized what was going on, and I was almost done with the game before I noticed the notification whenever I entered those areas -__-