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Audio was quite nice, i liked the music and the spark particles were nice!

The graphics, although not the best, were consistent and you never felt something was off!

I liked the theme and the intro cutscene was nice (there was a typo on panel 2 i believe)

Now some criticism (feedback and stuff that would be nice to change):

The gameplay was a bit slow tho, most of the time it was waiting for an enemy to kill themselves on your shield, or you mindlessly spamming an enemy from a distance, this wouldn't be a problem if the enemies were 2 to 3 shot, but they had A LOT of hp, especially the flying one which you had to shoot, and couldn't even kill with your shield which would be faster.

That takes a bit hit on fun, since most of the game i was just waiting for enemies to die :(

The boss was cool, i liked the attack, but than he started throwing rockets and never stopped which kind of killed the attack variety .

Menus were a little unpolished, but they worked.

Some bugs:

- Mouse disappears in the menu after respawning, I believe you forgot to turn the mouse back on in the menu scene!

- Shield sometimes doesn't block a bullet and it just hits you, I think the enemies should collide with the shield.

- Rockets on the boss just end up getting flung out of the screen and never come back because they get killed for performance which makes the attack very easy.

Solid submission, good job!

For reference for later games how would I go about polishing the menu? Like what could  I add?

You would want the buttons to react to being hovered and clicked by the user (squishing, bouncing, flashing, stiff like that), you want a nice transition so it looks nice when you change the scene, also you would want to separate the title from the background (by making the background less saturated or putting an outline on the text)

Hope this helps :>


ok thanks!