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well, if you placed all of the "pages" upright as singles or spreads that would work wonders. if I turn the book around by 90 degrees, the 1st page will be half upright, half upside down. that's pretty hard to use on a pdf reader because one will be turning the pages every few moments to use the game. I don't own a printer so this shape is immediately difficult to use.


Gotcha. I can look into that for those without a printer. In the meantime, you could use the main PDF for the rules and use page 2 of the Pocketfold PDF for the game. It wouldn't be as convenient as singles or spreads, but it may work.

Thanks for the suggestion!

You are welcome! I'll drop a line as soon as I play this for a bit :)

Great! Looking forward to it.

Done! You can download Solo Tales for the solo game. :)

AWESOME! Thank you so much!