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I really like the idea for this game, the blessing part is easily my favourite detail, but the rabbits in the bushes are close by. The different cards are very nice, perhaps have I misunderstood the cactus one though, can't quite figure out how to use it when it stops the previous card's action. But also one thing I need to say: the sounds! The sounds are amazing, they make the game enjoyable even when one's waiting for Eve to come across the tiles!


Thanks. I am sorry about misunderstanding. Stop cards don't stop previous action, but they - when they are active - stop Eve on previous tile, if she moves to them. It simply turns tile to an impassable one.


No worries! That's what I've thought! And it nicely worked with the Rock-snake, but with the cactuses I must have done something wrong. That's okay though it still doesn't change how nice the game is to me!! ^^


The only difference between cactus and rock is that cactuses has to be placed on grass. The possible mistake also can be, that you has to play the card before Eve goes there.