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(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

I have played only like ten minutes of this but holy shit do I feel personally attacked lmao.

Why on Earth would you make this in RPG Maker and not an engine better suited to this kind of game? It couldn't be that like me you are way, way, way too absurdly proficient with that specific game engine and nothing else?

Not doing exhaustive spoilers RN but at least one of the key features is revealed as an outright lie less than five minutes into the game. I will give this more time and feedback later because I'm very intrigued, but the last thing I wanted to say is that whenever I hear any of the default RTP sound effects it detracts rom the game's otherwise stellar job of establishing a certain mood. This is probably just a me thing though, as I have been hearing some of these sound effects for literally 20 years.