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(2 edits) (-1)

and don't forget to rename "pak2" to "pak0".

EDIT: Why is this downvoted?
If you want to run the mod in a separate folder (instead of copying it into id1), you have to rename the file, otherwise the LEGO models won't be visible.

(1 edit) (+2)

You are technically correct.  Renaming the pak2 to pak0 is true only if you are using the separate folder and manual game launch method.  I was worried this would cause more confusion to new modders and increase the risk of people overriding their original Quake pak0 or Remaster Pak0 if put into the wrong folder.

This "separate-folder-game-launch" method of installation is what I would prefer people to use, but its more of an advanced user preference.  For example, if someone wanted to play Dimensions of the Machine, they would need to have both the "mg1" pak0 and the renamed Block-Quake pak1 in the same folder.  This increases the risk of accidental overriding official paks with mod paks. 

Having the mod in the base id1 folder insures every other mod or addon uses that mod as it's base.  A downside, is this simpler method makes things messy when it's time to remove or uninstall the mod as it risks deleting the base game paks by accident.