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Okay, let's start with THIS IS REALLY COOL AND FUN! Excellent graphics, Awesome models, and really fun music! 

I gets really hard to see what you're doing sometimes. Perhaps, raise the direction arrow above the platform instead of on the ground. Also, allow us to rotate the camera around the room so you can see what you're doing from different angles. Things get behind other things.

Also, there doesn't appear to be any way to tell what a machine is going to produce. Two machines that look alike can produce two different products. 

Finally, trying to get the conveyers just right takes a little trial and error. Instead of clearing the whole board, let us just go back to where it was before we tested it.

AGAIN a super fun concept and incredibly well presented.

Thanks for the detailed feedback! you're definitely correct we've also seen things that can be improved after we've built everything up. Definitely things to learn 👌