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The game was great, and I loved the idea you had for the story. A post apocalyptic situation with angels really makes so many possibilities in which the story could go,and how they interact with survivors. Especially the questions you manage to build up just in the intro, of the creatures' different forms and the act of luring humans to the refugee centre.

Also your art style is amazing. It stands out so well, having the minimalist but stylized characters looks great, and I adore the way you have managed to make the eyes give such an expression. I wish I could see a full game like this, as the game has such a great visual mix.

I do wish I had read the description more closely, I did not realise that our character also looked like the people we meet. It would have made it not seem so obvious, as I thought because of their appearance they were angels.

Hopefully I will be able to play something else you make in the future.