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this game is the best game ever made it envisions all of what a game should be not even elden ring or breath of the wild can live up to these standards this gamer will set a new precedent for all games that come after it if every game from now on doesnt have inspired by door game they are simply lying this needs to be displayed in every museum this should be the first game to have 1 trillion copies sold no one should go without playing door game you play as a door questioning why it happened who did this too you was it a wizard your mom? you never figure out this but thats whats beautiful about it its left up to the mind to figure out and the ending when you overcome all you hardships and beat those who are trying to stop you from doing what you were made to do is truely beautiful the visuals are the most realistic graphics i ever seen in a game real life looks low quality after seeing this game i cant live my life anymore without noticing the low frame rate and the sound design omg the sound design its amazing every other video game soundtrack is terrible compared to this masterpiece of a soundtrack and the combat system its so simple and elegant you only need to push one button and you win its accessible to everyone no one should not play door game.