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"Disk quota exceeded"

Does that mean your MacOs has only a limited amount of drives it can hook up into it's registry of it's system? I'm sorry, I'm a noob with MacOS. Anyway I found this troubleshooting post. Maybe it helps.

As for Jedit suddenly throwing in symbols... can you open the file in another coding program/text file like for example Notepad ++ to see if it still throws in symbols? (Notepad++ is free and opensource. No bloat or adware)

If it doesn't then something is wrong with the settings of the Jedit program.

"You can try opening those files with windows' western charset cp1252 (aka windows-1252) because the euro sign € is not in latin-1 (aka iso-8859-1). In the open dialog you can choose your encoding in Commands/Encodings. Otherwise do you know Unicode?"

Otherwise I would post your problem to a programming community. Reddit allows you to make throwaway accounts without an email. So that is a quick and painless option.