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(1 edit) (+1)
  • Allow a way to easily access older Jams. I would love to stream and create content comparing year over year submissions to a jam but right now there is not a way to go back in time and look at old jams easily. Allowing content creators (twitch/YouTube) to create more content about events on itch will expose more people to itch
  • Allow twitch videos to be embedded in comments. YouTube videos seem to embed fine but linking to a specific time on a twitch video does not work (again more content created about itch = more people learning about itch)
  • Discord integration + form fields - allow me to connect my discord account/server to itch. Have a discord section in the jam form and game form. SO many games on itch are developed by devs/teams/studios that are maintaining a community on discord. tie these two things together better so traffic outside itch that joins the server can see a connection to the platform. Imagine if my channels could get updates that a change was made or available for them to play. Imagine if I could add other games devlogs into my discord server so games and developers I connect with can get more exposure automatically.
  • Integrate a jwt api + backend for developers to build leader boards into the platform ( using an itch project form as the middle hash store so [game session score encode] -> [itch game api listener decode] --communication-between-itch-game-api-server-and-datastore--> [itch leader board data store] more games with scores, scores on profiles, building the foundation of an achievement account back-end for players. non developer players/consumers need more value for their time/money spent on

[edit number 1]

I think you also need to define expand, expand to more developers? or expand to more players. 

As a developer I think itch is great and has many features, as a player I think it's missing some opportunities to add value through leader boards, achievements, social integration and rewards. I think a lot of developers would take advantage of ways to add value to a players experience if the api/backend existed to do so. Look at valve's game library brag page, backgrounds, trading cards, emoji, avatars, achievements, cloud save etc etc. these are all ways to add value to the player and reward them for using the platform. If you want to expand to players give players rewards for interacting on the platform.