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Hmm, I tried the latest build again. It works for me and no one else seems to have the issue. Can you try the 32 bit exe?

I tried downloading it again with the same result. The 32 bit eze file doesn't work either, they never work since my computer is 64 bit. The exe file is 121 KB in size. Is that correct? THe next step is to restart my computer and try again. Sometimes that works. I'm a little perplexed, since I've never had this problem with the game before.

I am stumped as well. I have recompiled and uploaded it again. You can try it again. Unfortunately, if this does not work, I am serisously stumped. I downloaded and tried it myself, and it works for me.

You can also try the MEGA link here.

I tried downloading from MEGA with the same result. It must be something to do with my computer, but I don't have any problem with other Ren'py games. Thanks for trying for me. I don't know what to do other than get more memory. We'll see.