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(1 edit) (-1)

The demo is really good so far! Extremely gorgeous and amazing love-letter to classic NES adventure games

Just some suggestions:

- Let me change sub-weapons on the fly with the L and R button + a dedicated sub-weapon button (make it optional if you wish)

- I'm being prompted with pressing the B button to advance in a conversation, but in reality it's the X button that works, is that a glitch?

- In the fishing mini-game, give some better cues on when the line is going to break and a fast reel button for when you want to quit

- Controller rumble

I hope this becomes a full game!

The buttons are listed in the splash in the beginning, and is listed as an NES controller- meaning as it stands right now, the game has only the standard buttons from the NES controller (A/B/Start/Select/Up/Down/Left/Right). The prompt saying "B" button is as it would be on an NES controller. Button mapping/etc is something that will be added further down the road, and as such prompts will only show the NES equivalent of the buttons (as shown in the intro splash).