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Okay, first things first, the art is nice, the music is great, and the hook is horrible, along with the gun and the enemies.

First the hook, it's so hard to control, you have to swing in  it AND position your height, which is really hard and super confusing, not to mention the weird momentum stuff when you unhook your hook, sometimes I stop in my place, other times I actually have some momentum, and if you are in the ground you have to go up a bit to be able to swing.

The gun is super weird, at first I thought it shoots in a straight line, then I was able to shoot behind me? I thought it was just a glitch, the hit-scan bullets aren't helping, and I can't see where I'm shooting, it was so annoying that I ignored fighting completely, but since the hook is so hard to control it wasn't that fun, then I realized that it shoots towards the mouse, and I'm pissed because in nowhere in the page or in the game it says that you shoot towards the mouse, then fighting became easier, AND THEN you decided that I had swing with my terrible hook AND fight enemies at the same time... I gave up.

There are so many bugs in the game and the only thing that kept me going was the music because it was really solid.

The movement is a bit slippery especially after landing from a hook swing, I missed the button in the second room 5 times in a row because of it, and the jump is just... okay? I mean you can jump, and it works perfectly fine, but it's really low, and I rarely use it, you can't use it to avoid enemies, plus you can't jump with space and that is not comfortable, I keep pressing space to jump and fail...

Oh, I didn't mention the enemies, those guys move so fast and deal damage way too fast, sometimes a single bat damaged me 4 times in a row because I was stuck on the hook that doesn't want to swing and the gun that doesn't want to show me where I'm shooting, also the spider areas have a questionable design? You clearly need to swing around while you are at those areas, so why do the spiders have more health than the other enemies, it should be the opposite, right?

I think the biggest problem is that you over scoped a little, especially for the first jam, the main mechanics are clunky and annoying, the unfinished features were a pain to deal with, and the slippery movement and useless jump are just not helping.

I know this was super negative, but if we put all that aside, this is quite a game you made in just three days! Especially in your first jam, you did a great job, just next time maybe you should lower your scope a bit :)

also you say it's a rogue-like, it's not really a rogue-like though, since there is no procedural generation in it, so yeah...

(oh man I wrote quite a bit of text didn't I?)


thanks for the feedback! the rogue-like aspect is the no checkpoints and dying = restart completely, and yeah some of the mechanics definetely could have been taught better, with a good tutorial, if we had time