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"Gurg has risen!"

I'm glad you managed to make a game into the jam, I had a particular interest in the game since I did not know your editor existed up to now while except for this jam I've only been making Bard's Tale inspired (or precisely more like Dragon Wars and Wasteland, regarding features, balance around smaller numbers, less linear world structure ...), I even made a game using only my own editor which is pretty much a BTCS thing (no coding during the jam) to create my entry for the jam of last year. Therefore I was intrigued by your own implementation of it.

It's pretty cool, I really feel like the "lag" after a fight or at the end of a round is unnecessary, except for these things the game can pretty much be played as fast as you press buttons, which I love, so I think the game would be better without these, but opinions may differ.

Regarding the game itself, I like the setting, felt the scope was pretty appropriate in the context, some non linear treasure hunt ending in putting all things together is pretty much as good as you can get, structure-wise.

The hints were clear, maybe all classes should be able to use the trap, for someone who'd already be overwhelmed by the interface it might not be clear that unlike other key items it's meant to be equipped and used if their character currently carrying it is not a shaman. That's really a detail though'.

Also the game crashes whenever the skeletal dragon tries to make an action, I had to reload a couple of times to kill it before it acts since you must kill it before ever levelling up (or maybe you can actually level up and I just never entered the chieftain's hut twice before that?). Whatever, fun game, thanks for sharing.