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My feelings on this game are complex. It's fun and has good ideas but also a lot of flaws (and having worked with it I know some of those flaws are due to the restrictions of RPG maker).

There's one shop in the game early on, so getting money after that point doesn't matter. (Maybe you can walk back to it? Never tried.)

The core gameplay is fun, it feels a bit weird that all fights are basically scripted events but it works well for the scope of the game. Items felt useless, I'm not even sure what most of them did. I also sometimes had a bug where the first projectile in an attack wouldn't spawn visually but would still hurt me, which isn't great.

The characters are fun and colorful (literally), especially the old lady and her son.

A large portion of the game can be ignored completely and just provides flavor text and worldbuilding- Whether that's a good or bad thing is up to you.


The ending doesn't make sense- I had 2 runs where I did the exact same thing, except one I touched the orb and one I didn't. The guy accused me of lying about touching it either way, and the ending played out the exact same except the very last part was randomly different, despite on the surface nothing changing about how the events went and there being no real indication I shouldn't have touched it. And he says it's bad if the orb is exposed to sunlight, but it's exposed to sunlight on the beach either way? You also have to talk to the matriarch's son at a certain point in the story to get the best ending, even though he never references that conversation again and it has no effect on the story otherwise; the way this event changes the outcome of the story is not explained.

The ninja ending is awful since rpg maker decides a character is touching you if you're in the space they're currently moving into, it's basically impossible due to this.

It's a very minor thing, but I like how you can kill the trainer at the beginning.