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epic hack n slash, nice music, cool classes, lags painfully but still playable on my potato computer, all in all, 9/10

Worker type suggestions:

Teleperson: basic attack is teleporting instantly at a random guy and punch him in the face, second level is teleporting and headbutting them, and max level is teleporting inside the strongest enemy nearby and imploding them

Cultist: basic attacks are punch, can curse a random nearby enemy causing them to slow down and are weaker, and can summon a crow that flies around and pecks at random enemies dealing damage, second level for the curse is a madness spell that causes a random enemy to be set on fire and attacks anybody, max level for curse is a death ray that shoots from your hand, anything in its path drops down to 1 hp and falls on the ground, second level for the summon spell is a dog that jumps on a random enemy and mauls them to death and leaves, max level is a ghost that can fly through floors and possesses random enemies and fights other enemies, can only possess 3 enemies before disappearing

Necromancer: knife throw, punch, and every 8th enemy comes back to life as a green zombie minion, and can harvest the soul of a random zombie to regain 5 or more health, second level for the zombie spell is every 5th enemy killed is a zombie, max level is every 3rd enemy, second level for soul harvest is that it can now effect enemies that are damaged, max level is that if a wounded enemy or zombie is killed with this ability, they explode dealing damage to everyone around them. idk im spitballing here cuz i wanna see more different classes in the game

you clearly put more thought into some of your ideas than I do

Thanks for the suggestions - hope your potato situation resolves soon. People have better performance turning off motion blur.