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(1 edit) (+1)


Your posts are there on the release forum--I can see them, so they're not deleted--but they're just not on the first page of it. I believe the posts are displayed according to an algorithm, depending on how many positive votes the project has gotten, with the more highly voted being displayed more prominently.

Also, I would advise not to spread your project out so thinly across so many separate project entries, and to consolidate them into a singular project, or it may prove to be quite confusing for those looking to play it and having a wall of similar looking projects to sort through.

Hi Frost! Thanks so much for your reply. Do you know how to start a game community on I think with that option maybe I could prepare more updates and news in there so that everything would be tidier...  Are you a game dev? I am open to suggestions. Thanks!!

(2 edits) (+2)


Happy to be able to help!

By editing it via the dashboard and scrolling to the bottom, you can change the comments section on your project into a full community forum where users can post threads if you they wish. Though that's on a per project basis. I don't believe there's a way to have a general community that encompasses every project page--hence the benefit of consolidating everything down into a central hub that's more easily manageable. You can also post dev logs with each new major update, to help keep people up to speed on things, and I believe major update dev log posts help with your game's visibility, too.

I was thinking that had a special area for adult games, a forum/community or something like that. I am not often in there... Thanks so much for your help, FrostWorks!!!