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My friend is actually not Japanese but he’s working at a Japanese company. That’s why he knows Japanese. Thank you for the input! They’re highly appreciated! <3 The sheet will be updated once in a while, especially since I’m currently working on the localization task already.



Google Sheetにある英語の質問で、volumeとsoundの明確な違いはありますか?


I understand you, and you are working in Japanese firm!

is there any obvious difference between volume and sounds to be described.

Volume is probably the old one that I used. The new settings use Sounds instead of Volume. xD Btw, you can pm me in discord, too, if you want: aka#2293

(1 edit)







So that's it!

"Volume" will not be used anymore, but "Sound" will be used!

Thank you for telling me!

If you have any questions, we will contact you via Discord!(おさむぅ~#1095)