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Nice! I like how this piece seems to encompass a lot of conflicting emotions -- it has the darkness of a villain theme, but it's also rather pensive and even defiant/hopeful in places. That's a lot to cover in a short theme! Also, the sword sound effect was a fun addition that helped set the tone.

In terms of references that are coming to mind, I'm definitely getting some "Lux Aeterna" (Clint Mansell & Kronos Quartet) vibes with the bass/cello part. The opening also reminds me a bit of music from some '70s era martial arts movies. I know neither of these were probably intentional on your part, but I think it speaks to the strength of the piece that it seems to be so many things all at once. Good work!

Hey thanks for the kind words :) I'm glad you like the emotions my theme evokes. As well as the sword sound, I've always wanted to make a piece with this effect and I like how it fits.

I did indeed not intend for either of these references. But it's cool that my piece reminds you of these different things :)

Nice, iconic Kronos is a great listen anytime, esp. now that this put me in the mood.