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  1. To me, the grappling hook feels pretty good. It was hard to know where I was going sometimes. It felt like it was too much force but other times wasn't enough. Getting through the tighter spaces was a little difficult at times. I was also jumping off some of the bumpy geometry on the walls. A cool-down might make it really challenging but could be fun to play with.
  2. It might be fun to have some enemies, but nothing do difficult. Maybe they can bump you off the platform you're on? But I think that the volcano would have to be a little bit bigger for that to work well.
  3. I die probably 5 times right off the bat. I thought it was fast but as soon as I got further from it, it didn't feel like a threat.  But since it's hard to see it can be hard to tell when it is close to you.

Overall, I really like your game. It's fun! It was hard for me to know where the lava is and what it looked like. The grapple physics confused me at times. But nothing game-breaking! I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product!