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  1. It was fairly simple for me to figure out how to place towers. However, it wasn't very clear to me how far my towers could shoot. I like how you could see their range when you dragged the towers in. But sometimes it felt like enemies were in the range of my towers and they wouldn't shoot at the enemies. This mainly happened in the higher round for me.
  2. I thought the stuff was self-explanatory. I like how it's not very cluttered, and the stuff that is there can be minimized.
  3. The difficulty was pretty good. It felt like it naturally got more and more challenging. One idea might be to have one of the larger enemies come in as a mini-boss on round 5 or so? But if you left it as it was I think it would still be a really fun game!
  4. It was hard for me to tell most of the towers had health. I could tell easest with the drone tower, but the rest I had no idea what their health was. 

Overall, I thought it was super fun! I can't wait for the finished product! I think I encountered two bugs? One is that the Leviathan would go through my towers and go straight to my colony. I didn't think this was supposed to happen because it just went underneath all of my towers. The second bug that I think I encountered was when some of my towers got destroyed. After they were destroyed, the tile turned red and I couldn't place a tower on that tile for a while. I wasn't sure if this was a feature or not. It made planning more challenging for sure. But regardless, I had a ton of fun playing y'all's game.