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I just would like to know if the MC survives for the upcoming chapter, is there even going be a chapter 5, or is this the end of it.


possible that its abandoned, someone posted below that ch5 is near completion which was posted by the author in may 2021

its really unfortunate cuz i really love this game and its style

He replied down below. He said that chapter 4 of Radiant will be done soon. He also said that chapter 5 of Polarity is the biggest chapter update so it's going to take a little longer.


true, i just wish that they would post updates from time to time as to let them know when it'll be out, or an estimated date at least

Issue with an estimated release, as evidenced by the few year gaps, is if they don't have time to work on it, they can't, and they don't want to give fans false hope.