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Hello Alan, since you said "I eventually gave up at the blue wall in level 3" I was wondering if you played level 4, I'm really curious about your feedback. 
Sincere Emma

Sorry about that! Went back and played level 4 ... a bit short, but I'm impressed at how you got a nice sense of setting and environment. Unfortunately also a bit of poor placement of things in this level as well - very specifically the final section of the teleport challenge on the bottom section of the level. Without being able to see where I'll teleport to precisely, it's REALLY easy to fly off the platform, and that became very frustrating!

After that, you've got the issue of a checkpoint that it's surprisingly easy to breeze past. You've got the timing/rhythm right in that there should be a little respite spot somewhere there, but you probably want the player to LAND in that respite spot after the teleport/teleport/teleport challenge that leads into it.

I'd also suggest looking at the spot (or two?) where you repeat challenges and making sure the geometry and set dressing isn't exactly the same, because I kept thinking I'd died and restarted really quickly! Players will ground themselves in the level based on variety in shape and background, so make sure there's plenty diversity in it.