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What do the various items do anyways?

There are four items you can carry. All will give you bonus points if they’re carried back to your spaceship. Additionally, several items can be used by pressing the use button when they are held. These items have a limited amount of charges available before they will become useless  (though one species can get an extra charge  out of them)

- Blaster (gun) 

Use this to shoot at enemies. You gain more score for jumping on enemy heads to kill them, but the gun is safer, and some enemies are spiked and cannot be jumped on.

- Teletron

Use this when near a friendly crew member to teleport them back to the ship, gaining you bonus points. You can identify friendly crew members because they will be the same species as your character and be jumping up and down.

- Healizer

Use this to heal your character. Heals a certain amount per use.

Hope that helps! 

the fourth item is a head

Haha can’t believe I forgot to mention the 4th! Heads are indeed the 4th item you can carry back to your ship for bonus points, and are worth the most bonus points.