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yeah, show/hide script call for Regular Button.

like this script call Eli.MobileControls.hideButtons()  but for Regular Button


Hi there!

Sorry for the late answer.

Currently, if you use this script call, it will return an array with all available buttons, except for the Control Button:

  • Eli.MobileControls.buttonList

As you can see, the first button is always the directional button. So if you want to hide the regular buttons only, you use that script call:

const scene =

for(const button of Eli.MobileControls.buttonList){

    if(button instanceof Eli.MobileControls.RegularButton && button.parameters.scenes.includes(scene)){




But if you want to also hide the Dpad/Joystick, you use the same script call, but remove this:

button instanceof Eli.MobileControls.RegularButton &&

Thanks for the reply! 

That script call is working, but the Regular Button does not show up on certain Scenes if that Scene is not allowed on plugin Parameter. Is there any way to ignore the setting from the parameter and force show the button on a certain Scene?

Hi there!

You can try removing that:


But I don't know if it will trigger an error or cause unexpected behavior.