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i watched the two videos that came along with downloading the zip file. I was wondering if you were making it a part of the fanmade ending or a sequel, maybe.

Ooh, which videos did you find?

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Fiver and fiver compressed1. located in GrunkleDatingSimNewEnd-1.1.1-pc > game. i noticed most of the dialogue in the video wasn't in the game tho like this or maybe i missed it? (idk):


;) there's much more where that came from...
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i finally saw the extended version but can't play it :( it just said "Error: Script Error"

Oh, I didn't know we posted an extended version. Where did you find it?

oh, my bad. i thought it was an extended version. it was just the ford ending web version you've uploaded

Oh yeah, we just posted that a few days ago :)
There is an extended version we created, although it was originally just for myself and my sister (who wrote the Stan new ending while I wrote the Ford side). We thought about revising and posting it, and we still might; but they are actually very long stories and may take a while to make internet-worthy haha

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im sure it is, i was already blushing when i saw the fiver video and intrigued when i saw bill cipher in it.

Well maybe we'll have to get it ready to post sometime then XD. I'm so glad you liked it

hey quick question its been 2 years do u have any plans to make the extended version public? :)