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(1 edit) (+2)

There are a lot of people who want to have options to do things like: add / remove plants or the option to control bibites but quite against the idea. I believe you need to see how the beautiful world of bibites develops on its own and without the player help, because it is not "true natural selection" and will not lead to smarter and better bibites and more interesting simulations.


The suggestions make that the player's choice. Natural selection would not be rendered impossible, simply optional.


I think that what is beautiful about this simulation is that it works on its own. Its not a game about creating ALife creatures, its about seeing a life (or  ALife to be more specific) growing, evolving and getting more and more complex. And I think that saving that from the player choice will be the best.

Oh, bye the way rendering a natural selection its really is (at lest compere to other amazing thinks that the developer made in this amazing project) @MIvluu if you don't believe me you can see his videos about it I'm highly recommend


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The availability of the suggested tools would increase the enjoyment of those who suggest them, but players would not be deprived of the choice to observe natural selection if they so wished. The inclusion of the tools would only be a benefit of extra freedom.

I have already watched the videos, for such are what drew me to this project.