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cause Unity Costs a lot of money and i can't afford that. Besides, It's Not Good for 2D anyways. That's the reason why it's called Unity3D?

It's called Unity. The domain was taken, so they had to go with the domain

Unity has a free version which you can use for commercial releases (until you make 100,000 or more off your game after which you have to get a license.)

I have no experience with other 2D engines. But, Unity is great in my opinion and has a lot of support. I doubt you will run into limitations.
You can find plenty of 2d tutorials on Youtube for example.

Yeah, Unity can be used for 2d, and it is free. I would recommend trying it out.

Yeah i tried Unity but i can't code, so i have to find a programmer for either Unity or Game maker studio 2.

There's a cheap asset in the unity asset store called "PlayMaker" that let's you code visually without writing anything.  You basically wire up behaviour in a literal sense. 

Or just wait a few months for the follow up to Unity 2019.1 as it's said to include a built in Visual Scripting extension for free.