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It's cute and it's got charm, and I really like the retro game music in the bg, and the idea that your only responce is a yes or no is pretty interesting, but there's not a lot to the game really. It definitly needs a bit more in it or if it's done with at least just put a "thanks for playing" when you hit the giant expance of nothingness at the end. Besides the cat, which who isn't going to pet that cat let's be honest, it didn't seem like the only other choice had any difference. Going back to there needs to be more in the game, this is in essense a game about choices, but there's really only 2 choices in the whole game, pet cat, or whatever I'm talking about with the couple. Not sure what the items are used for besides that bottle cap, since it seems like nothing else responds to them.

I'd really like to see the game expanded, and maybe even some sort of story. Made a video, I hope you enjoy!