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Dang, it’s so interesting and cool to see the devs coming together and interacting with the community. It really shows how passionate you guys are for the game as a whole. To add onto to how great the game was-playing Jessie’s route got me listening to early 1900’s jazz. You guys are amazing in both story telling and music making. Although, I know that this might seem a little off topic, but is there a time frame as to when the game will release on steam? I understand that you guys have probably answered this question hundreds of times but I honestly could not find a definite answer.  According to the internet people are saying 2022 so I must ask, when specifically? Like, winter 2022, summer 2022 or in between like autumn 2022? That is all I have to ask for now. Thank you guys for taking the time to read through these!

Like wise, cheers!

We’re pushing as soon as possible 2022, but it’s likely winter if I were to guess. No guarantees though :V