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hi, thanks for playing and sorry about the issues. In regards to the options, they are actually the safest way of doing them as they are just console commands. I can't speak as to why it screwed with your OBS but for me (who also uses OBS) this wasn't an issue. I also don't think adding more options would be a solution to the OBS thing since it sounds like the way it reacted to it was something else entirely. Engine wise, there is only one way to do these options and that is through console command lines so it wouldn't act any differently. The checkpoint system I will certainly take on board, but I always ask people to bear in mind that with these game jam games we have to make these in very limited time on top of life, responsibilities, jobs etc etc and adding a lot of work like checkpoints into very small games like this is just more time we have to put into something. But like I said. I'll see what I can do. 

To your final point I will certainly take a look at that, but none of our testers experienced it so I'll go back and look tomorrow. 

Thanks again for the time you put into it and I'll certainly let you know when it's updated. Thanks again :)

no problem well as i said i recorded it so i have it all on a video i could email a video of the issue if it helps 

That would be great. I am also just about to push an update that fixes a couple of things can reach me at or just hit me up on discord and we can chat there. Discord link is in the description.