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This is a great start, I had fun dodging the increasingly difficult bullets. For the next iteration you could try to add some music to hype the player and some effects (visual and audio) when the player gets hit and when bombs explode.

Also, it's a bullet hell so it absolutely must have some kind of scoring system. You know, for proper bragging rights :)


Glad you enjoyed it! The thing you mentioned are already pretty much at the top of the list if I do continue on this project. As for the score, there actually is a score, however it's easy to miss since I couldn't figure out how to make the text bigger in time for the jam :D (The score is on the right side of the screen)


Ah yes, I saw it now. Well, just add an ending screen showing the score or an invisible label in the middle of the screen which you make visible when game ends and let the user press R to restart