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(1 edit)

is that meant to say shouldn't be too complex?
ps got all the items now excluding the birthday hat
PSS: could you either add more things to the shop when your able or maybe possibly i could make more 3d models even? learning atm not sure what yours uses
or could you make some sort of long term pause for taking care of our takos because I suddenly have a lot less time on my hand etc
if thats not too much trouble, looking forward to your tomb raiding game


There should always be between 1 and 3 items in the menu I think, but it's been so long I don't remember. Congrats on getting all the items! 🎉

I'm sorry, I am not going to update the game in the foreseeable future and it's time to accept that.

I mean I knew that wasnt going to happen : ) thanks for making the app