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1. The plan is to send them to the basement as slaves once you buy them back, however I also want it to be possible to bring them back into the mansion's upper floors if you manage to get a good relationship with them again. That will be up to the player though.

2. Definitely! I have one in planning already!

3. I can't spoil too much about this section, but there is something planned for him!

4. Yes! In all honesty, this is something I forgot to implement with that update, yet I meant to. I'll add it as soon as I find the time!

5. I'm definitely wanting to add more freedom with the game's dialogue in general (which will also be affecting the player's morals), what the slave market is so far, is really just a rough outline of the vision I have for it, so it's going to get reworked in the future!

And yes, I haven't forgotten about that, ha ha! I'll try to come up with something! Thank you for your support!

Do you plan to adding losing scene to each fight/boss fight?

