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Ah, very sorry to give you misinformation!  Had that from my friend when I asked for tips when I started his route, but I hadn't tested it myself. I just went through Christmas a few hours ago and got the same reply as you... but then I went back and tried a few of the other presents (chocolate and t-shirt) and got the same lackluster reply. So Toru is just picky now maybe.   Odd, given his personality otherwise.  I mean, he flips over a used t-shirt from Haato. :D

...actually, it makes sense if it's a glitch, because there are only five presents, and I know for sure that Shuu and Shiba and Tocchan like the ones I said, so if Hikaru likes the shirt that would leave only the game console. Appreciate my gift, Toru! *shakes fist*