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Not too long at all, I really appreciate the feedback.

Here is my overly long response!

Yeah, the world is very sparse at the moment. Originally in the script, this was meant to be a large open area, with all of the quests being entirely optional. This is why the grove was so hard to find, and the killing bears quest was a bit overly long for what it needed to be (I already added an option to end it early for people who would rather do that.) But yeah, there is no reason the summoning quest needs to take place in a maze, when the berry one already does. So I'll shrink that down for you. ;)

I'll try to keep clarity in mind in the future, but I think that quest will be largely fine once I've toned down the maze elements. I did buy the Visustella quest log plugin, but at the moment, that is a bit of a luxury feature I haven't touched as of yet.

As for Septim being the weakest member of the party, that is very much intentional. The idea is that you will get the ability to boost him in the finished game through various means. You can also only have one companion with you in the cities, which is meant to make you feel more exposed and cautious when dealing with the various factions there. It also allows each companion's personality to shine better if they are allowed to be the sole focus during individual segments. But I will tweak him a little until then!

That being said, he is still weaker than I would have liked. It always gives you about 50% TP when testing battles in RPG maker. This meant when I was testing the game, Septim could always open his turn by enchanting Tera or Celine's weapons for greater effects.

I don't think I ever did that in this game build. XD So I'll lower the cost of those.

While editing Septim's abilities, I also see that his earth abilities use the lightning description. XD

That will be fixed in the next update.