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I wouldn't add a 11th notebook, since we already had that on Viktor's floor. It would be boring to have that twice. But the rest of this idea is really great! Having Marzia constantly screaming while she's running after you like a psychopath, with an atmosphere like in Silent Hill, that would be just more than fitting for her.

(2 edits) (+1)

yeah, thanks,but there should be something after the 10th notebook

(1 edit) (+1)

Maybe running through the bunker or something? While Marzia is after you? Like, without Antibreather and the walls are changing and there are the shadows of the dead children.


yeah, that's a cool idea, with the children who said constantly : "Join us" 

(1 edit) (+1)

Yup. Maybe the children don't say it out loud, but whisper it very quietly in your ear and Marzia's screaming is getting louder when she's getting closer.
