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(1 edit) (+4)

OMG I love it all, admittedly I only went for Tsuda because hello, I had so much damn fun teasing him and I genuinely fell in love with him. But as of now I'm going to try to get all the endings especially the friendship endings because even so I still want to be friends with them all. Also the MC?? Hello?? I am SIMPING so hard for her holy hell, even though I'm the one whose controlling her in the end she has her own charisma that makes me swoon~~

EDIT: Finally finished and completed the game!! Was so much fun and while Tsuda is still my favorite, Kirishima has my heart in a chokehold, Onodere makes me want to pinch his cheeks, and the secret boi makes me want to do more princely things with him AHAHAHHA AAAA LOVELY GAME THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TRANSLATING IT AND LETTING US EXPERIENCE THIS WONDERFUL VISUAL NOVEL~!!