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bro when will the full game be released ive been waiting a whileee


Lmao me too, I think it will be like by the end of the month? Worst case scenario it will be released on August, in any case at the very least it will be released this year so theres that.


If you look at the steam page, it says planned release date is september of next year.




Hey there— forgive the delayed response. Our current release date target is Summer 2023. We've made a ton of progress so far (which we share in our monthly updates on Kickstarter and Patreon), but there's still a long road for us to finish out. We want to ensure Student Union is the large and polished game our little team set out to create. And that takes a lot of time and resources. I really appreciate that you and others in these comments are actively waiting to get a taste of the final work. That genuinely means the world to me. We'll keep working hard in the meantime with the goal of rewarding your patience.



Ok thanks for the update Todd, I'll be waiting....