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I apologize for what may feel a bit like shilling, however as this game is very similar in concept to my first game, I thought I would provide a link in conjunction with my feedback.
A stock market game is almost inherently boring, taking on the challenge of making it interesting is admirable. One thing I would really suggest however is a user interface, if it is possible to set one up in the framework you are using. A button to do each of the features you have, rather than typing in the command. I didn't get very far because I lost 50% of my money in only a few days. Another thing worth considering is balancing the game in favor of the player, as realistically you only want to give them the enjoyment of success, regardless of how real stocks operate.

Thanks for the feedback, I can't really add a UI in python replit though, so I stuck with what I made.  Its impressive getting your app posted on the google app store. you could also check out mine-

amazon page-
